What Is EMDR? How does EMDR work? Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy

The J&R Clinical Psychologists teamAnxiety, Blog


Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is a first-line treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), developed by Dr Francine Shapiro. It has gained a lot of interest in recent years and there is now a lot of research telling us that it’s an effective treatment. To learn more about trauma and its treatment, take a look at our blog post: You Can Heal Trauma. EMDR therapy is a treatment that is strongly recommended by the Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Acute Stress Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Complex PTSD for adults with PTSD.

You Can Heal Trauma

The J&R Clinical Psychologists teamAnxiety, Blog

Trauma is derived from traumatikos, the Greek word for “wound”. Psychological trauma refers to being overwhelmed. When we are overwhelmed, we are less resilient and flexible, and we often feel disconnected from ourselves and from others. Have you experienced significant trauma in your life? You’re not alone. Two thirds of the Australian population will experience at least one major traumatic …

Study Skills & Tips

The J&R Clinical Psychologists teamAnxiety, Blog, Performance Psychology

Before we start on study techniques, let’s be clear about how study is important to you. Studying can be tedious and difficult, and it takes time away from other things that are important to you. So, take a moment to consider ‘Why you are studying?‘ What are your short-term goals and what are your longer-term ones?  Why are you willing to put other activities on hold …

Managing Anxiety: Is it as simple as facing your fears?

The J&R Clinical Psychologists teamAnxiety, Blog

Feeling anxious from time to time is a completely normal part of the human experience. However, sometimes those feelings of anxiety can reach a frequency and intensity such that they interfere with how we’d like to live our lives. When anxiety is severe and/or chronic, it can be hugely restrictive and stop us from engaging fully in relationships and activities …

What are some of the therapies used by psychologists? Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

The J&R Clinical Psychologists teamBlog, Clinic Updates, Psychological treatment approaches

When talking with a psychologist, you will likely notice the discussion often ties back to the way you think in a specific situation. For example, a psychologist might ask: In that moment, what thought popped into your mind?  What did you take that decision to mean?  Thinking about that situation, what are you concerned may happen? Psychologists are interested in …

The Importance of Homework – Why Most Change in Therapy Happens Between the Sessions

Melissa ReeBlog, Psychological treatment approaches

Often people believe that when you go to see a psychologist, the majority of the ‘therapy’ happens while you are in the clinician’s room at your appointment. In actual fact, the therapy is something that largely takes place in the changes you make to your thinking and behaviour between the sessions. There are 168 hours in a week, and an average appointment …

Performance Psychology in Esports

Melissa ReeBlog, Performance Psychology

Although Covid-19 has upended our lives and the business world in many negative ways, some industries have benefited. One of those is esports, which has surged in popularity by continuing to provide spectator entertainment when many traditional sports have been sidelined due to the ongoing quarantine restrictions. Esports refers to professional video game competitions (often in leagues, like the AFL), …

From the Couch: An online community Q&A series

Melissa ReeBlog, Clinic Updates

Join us as leading clinical psychology practices collaborate to bring you answers to common psychological challenges that have arisen as we navigate COVID-19. Recent studies suggest that for many people, distress is increasing during COVID-19. The rates of Australians with poor mental health has doubled since pre-COVID-19. Stress, confusion and anxiety are on the rise, while optimism has reduced. Despite …