Coronavirus Update
Our services are open and we are following the recommendations by the WA Health Dept and the Federal government regarding self-isolation and social distancing.
COVID-19 and our clinic
Please be assured that our services are open and that we are following the recommendations by the WA Health Dept and the Federal government regarding self-isolation, hygeiene, and social distancing.
We are a low volume clinic but we do recommend arriving at the rooms no more than a few minutes prior to your booked appointment time. Hand soap and sanitiser are available and we are minimising the distance between patients in the waiting room. Our consulting rooms allow for more than 3 square meters per person when accomodating up to three people.
Please do not attend the clinic of you have a fever or acute respiratory symptoms. We will happily arrange a telehealth consultation for you. You may be eligible for a Medicare rebate for telehealth consults - please feel free to check with us.
Thank you for your concern and be assured that we will continue to provide the utmost care for you.
Best wishes, Paul Jeffery and Melissa Ree