Neurodiversity, a term coined by Australian sociologist Judy Singer in 1998, emphasises the diversity of human neurology, brain function, and nervous systems. It encourages us to embrace the wide range of neurological variations in our population, likening it to the biodiversity that is crucial for our ecosystem’s health. Recently, there has been a growing understanding of neurodiversity, urging us to …
Clinicians working together for better outcomes: Multidisciplinary care
Our mission at J&R Clinical Psychology is ‘helping you thrive’. We carry the ethos of ‘helping you thrive’ through all that we do, from how we work with our clients, our team, and our fellow professionals and referrers. J&R clinical psychology are taking the exciting step of offering our services within a brand new (and very lovely) GP clinic in …
You Can Heal Trauma
Trauma is derived from traumatikos, the Greek word for “wound”. Psychological trauma refers to being overwhelmed. When we are overwhelmed, we are less resilient and flexible, and we often feel disconnected from ourselves and from others. Have you experienced significant trauma in your life? You’re not alone. Two thirds of the Australian population will experience at least one major traumatic …
Managing Anxiety: Is it as simple as facing your fears?
Feeling anxious from time to time is a completely normal part of the human experience. However, sometimes those feelings of anxiety can reach a frequency and intensity such that they interfere with how we’d like to live our lives. When anxiety is severe and/or chronic, it can be hugely restrictive and stop us from engaging fully in relationships and activities …