When working with clients looking to harness psychology to optimise their performance, we often focus on skills to develop self-awareness.
Study Skills & Tips
Before we start on study techniques, let’s be clear about how study is important to you. Studying can be tedious and difficult, and it takes time away from other things that are important to you. So, take a moment to consider ‘Why you are studying?‘ What are your short-term goals and what are your longer-term ones? Why are you willing to put other activities on hold …
Performance Psychology in Esports
Although Covid-19 has upended our lives and the business world in many negative ways, some industries have benefited. One of those is esports, which has surged in popularity by continuing to provide spectator entertainment when many traditional sports have been sidelined due to the ongoing quarantine restrictions. Esports refers to professional video game competitions (often in leagues, like the AFL), …